Nasza Patronka – św. Elżbieta Węgierska

Święta Elżbieta Węgierska

Elżbieta urodziła się w 1207 r. w Bratysławie lub na zamku w Sarospatah jako trzecie dziecko Andrzeja II, króla Węgier, i Gertrudy, siostry św. Jadwigi Śląskiej. Miała zaledwie 4 lata, gdy została zaręczona z Ludwikiem IV, późniejszym landgrafem Turyngii. Wychowywała się wraz z nim na zamku Wartburg. Wyszła za niego za mąż zgodnie z zamierzeniem swojego ojca dopiero 10 lat później, w roku 1221, mając 14 lat. Z małżeństwa urodziło się troje dzieci: Hermana, Zofię i Gertrudę. Po 6 latach, w 1227 r. Ludwik zmarł podczas wyprawy krzyżowej w Brindisi we Włoszech. Tak więc Elżbieta została wdową mając 20 lat.Elżbieta, zgodnie z frankońskim prawem spadkowym, opuściwszy wraz z dziećmi Wartburg, zamieszkała najpierw w pobliskim Eisenach, a następnie w Marburgu, gdzie ufundowała szpital, w którym sama chętnie usługiwała. Oddała się wychowaniu dzieci, modlitwie, uczynkom pokutnym i miłosierdziu. Jej spowiednikami byli franciszkanin Rudiger i norbertanin Konrad z Marburga, słynny kaznodzieja i inkwizytor na Niemcy, mąż bardzo surowy. Prowadził ją drogą niezwykłej pokuty. W 1228 r. Elżbieta złożyła ślub wyrzeczenia się świata i przyjęła jako jedna z pierwszych habit tercjarki św. Franciszka.Ostatnie lata spędziła w skrajnym ubóstwie, oddając się bez reszty chorym i biednym. Zmarła w nocy z 16 na 17 listopada 1231 r. Sława jej świętości była tak wielka, że na jej grób zaczęły przychodzić pielgrzymki. Konrad z Marburga, korzystając ze swego stanowiska inkwizytora napisał jej żywot i zwrócił się do Rzymu z formalną prośbą o kanonizację. Papież Grzegorz IX bezzwłocznie wysłał komisję dla zbadania życia Elżbiety i cudów, jakie miały się dziać przy jej grobie. Stwierdzono wówczas ok. 60 niezwykłych wydarzeń. Sprawę poparł także metropolita Moguncji i św. Rajmund z Penyafort. Po 4 latach Grzegorz IX bullą z 27 maja 1235 r. ogłosił uroczyście Elżbietę świętą. Jest patronką elżbietanek (zgromadzenia założonego w Nysie w 1842 r. przez Dorotę Klarę Wolf, bardzo obecnego w Polsce) oraz III zakonu św. Franciszka, Niemiec i Węgier. Jej imię przyjęło jako swoją nazwę kilka zgromadzeń zakonnych i dzieł katolickich. W ikonografii św. Elżbieta przedstawiana jest w stroju królewskim albo z naręczem róż w fartuchu. Powstała bowiem legenda, że mąż zakazał jej rozdawać ubogim pieniądze i chleb. Gdy pewnego razu przyłapał ją na wynoszeniu bułek w fartuchu i kazał jej pokazać, co niesie, zobaczył róże, mimo że była to zima. Jej atrybutami są także: kilka monet i różaniec.



Wszechmogący Boże, dzięki Twojej łasce święta Elżbieta widziała i czciła Chrystusa w ubogich, za jej wstawiennictwem daj nam ducha miłości, abyśmy wytrwale służyli potrzebującym i cierpiącym.

Przez Chrystusa Pana naszego.Amen.


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First parish church

of St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Trybsz

The church was built around the year 1567. It was first subsidiary church of the parish church in Frydman. In the first half of the XVII century it was restored by Jan Ratułowski, Frydman’s parish priest. At the beginning of XX century, thanks to great contribution of priest Michał Nyulasi brick church in Trybsz was raised. Since then the wooden church began to fall into ruin. As a result of it in 1924 the tower and the vestry were pulled down. In 1938 the remaining part of the building was protected against further demolition. The tower had sloping walls bordered with apron flashing at the bottom and overhung icebreaker covered with shingled roof. During renovation the church was lifted and settled on a foundation, the rotten logs were replaced, the construction was reinforced with pillars and turnbuckles, whereas walls and ave-bell were covered with shingle. The subsequent works between 2010–2012 were conducted to thoroughly conserve and restore the whole construction and the murals of the church.


The framework construction church, orientated according to east-west axis was built from larch wood. It is a single nave construction with a nave shorter than narrower chancel. The vestry adjoined the chancel from the northern side. After pulling down the vestry, the portal with cut out lintel in so called “donkey’s back” shape remained. Thanks to lowering side parts of the nave in the form of so called “zaskrzynienia, the interior of the church is covered with harmonized ceiling. This monument has characteristic construction features of Malopolska’s wooden churches of Gothic period. Intense narrowing towards the top of the walls was to improve the statics of the building. The measurements of the church: The Total length with the Tower was 23 m. At present the length is 15 m, whereas the width of the nave is 8 m.


In 1647 the church was covered with polychrome inside. Its iconographic arrangement was compiled by priest J. Ratułowski. The content of the murals arose, in particular for this region, historical context. In the middle of XVI century the Reformation subjugated almost entire Spisz. The owners of the Dunajecki Key Horwath-Palocsay converted into Protestantism. At the moment of coming back to catholic faith in 1639 recatholicisation, in which priest J. Ratułowski took part, began. Therefore the figure of Mary is dominant in most murals. Polychrome is one of the earliest mural baroque realization in south Poland. The author-creator of the murals remains unknown till today. The figures of Moses and Aaron, St. Elisabeth, St. Stanislaw, St. John from Kety and St. Peter are placed on the front wall of the chancel.


St. John Kanty was shown in the saints circle long before his canonization (beatification in 1680, canonization in 1767). There is one difficult to interpret scene at the bottom of the left-side wall. Some point that this is the illustration of biblical event from Genesis, when God promised Abraham, through the three angels, that he will have a male descendant. Others point that the painting shows St. Elizabeth of Hungary serving mercy deeds. There are Doctors of the Church: St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Gregory and St. Ambrose at the bottom right of southern side. There are apostles’ figures above them. There is a text of the articles of Apostles' Creed below apostles’ figures. The chancel, below its northern wall, shows Marian compositions. The first one pictures Mother of God Immaculately Conceived. The other pictures present Mary in the scene of Annunciation and Visitation. There is a scene showing the triumph of Christ over the Death above the sacristy’s door. On the rood screen wall there is St. George fighting against the dragon on the left side and St. Martin on the right side.


Polychromes on the upper wall of northern nave present the Nativity and The Obeisance of Three Kings. As a third scene the appearance of Christ arisen to Mary is pointed. The Assumption of Mary and her coronation in heaven is shown on the ceiling of the chancel. The whole mariological composition closes with illustration of Seven Joys of Mary. On the area of lower wall so called Court of Blood held in Caiaphas palace was presented. The members of Sanhedryn are holding the board in their hands, on which their names and rulings that they issued are placed. This scene alludes to so called apocryphal gospels, which gave the composition of Great Council and suggested by its particular members sentences. Similar painting from 1626 can be seen in The Corpus Christi Church in Cracow. It was made there by Lukas Porębius (Porębski).


The southern wall of nave is filled with the Passion scene. There are Jesus and Arma Christi – the tools of the Passion. The paintings on the choir balustrade depict seven deadly sins. The sins are being imagined by humans and animals. The peafowl and the lady in a wide dress present vainglory. The man with sacks full of money and a dog are the symbols of greed. There is a scene of the Assumption on the ceiling. Its background is the landscape with the hills, the river, the castle and mountain peaks. It is a landscape of the Pieniny Mountains with Czorsztyn and Niedzica castles and the view of Bielskie Tatra mountains from nearby hills. It is the first Tatras panorama from the north side and the oldest one in Poland as well, preserved till today. Another composition on the ceiling of the chancel shows Coronation of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Trinity. Next painting on the ceiling presents the scene of the Great Assize. Jesus Christ – the Judge is surrounded by Mother of God and St. John the Baptist and the saints who intercede for mankind. Next to Christ one can see the lily of mercy and the sword of punishment. In this scene the Tatra mountains peaks are seen. The pulpit appeared in the church in 1787. The paintings on it present Christ with Samaritan by the well and merciful Samaritan.


Brief history


The beginnings of Trybsz date back to XIV century. The names of villages Trepschya and Trepsia appear in documents for the first time in 1594 and 1595, telling about selling the Dunajecki Key to George Horwath by Olbracht Łaski. The Dunajecki Key included the villages currently located in Polish Spisz, with the castle in Niedzica.

Around 1820 there were 88 houses in Trybsz. At the close of XIX century the number of houses increased to 132. In 1891 the village was inhabited by 631 residents. Before and after I World War plenty of inhabitants of Trybsz emigrated to the United States of America. The statistics from 1913 registered 616 residents of Trybsz. The other emigration waves took place in the seventies, the eighties and the nineties of XX century.

Up to 1640 Trybsz was a branch of parish in Krempachy, and next until 1769 a branch of parish in Frydman. In 1769 the autonomous parish in Trybsz was raised. In 1779 part of Czarna Gora, called Zagora(currently it is an autonomous parish) was joined to parish in Trybsz. Since 1957 the pastoral work has been conducted by Cistercians from Cistercian Abbey in Cracow-Mogila.

The brick-built church was raised in 1904 as the initiative of priest Michał Nyulasi. It is a neo-gothic church with Roman architectural elements. The temple consists of a double-spanned three-side closed chancel, five-spanned nave and a tower on the plan of a square. The interior of the church is covered with cross vault with stiffeners falling on the walls. There are stained-glass windows designed by Tadeusz Wojciechowski and produced in the Paczek brothers atelier. The stained-glass windows present the saints: Bernard from Clairvaux, Benedict, Maksymilian M. Kolbe, blessed Wincenty Kadłubek and commemorating the appointment of John Paul II, who as a cardinal and metropolitan bishop of Cracow spent time with the Youth Oasis in Trybsz.

On the other windows you can find: the Annunciation, The Queen of Polish Crown, the Assumption, The Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Christ.

The high altar is in baroque style. There is a figure of St. Elizabeth of Hungary in the alcove of the altar. There are also figures of holy kings placed according to village and tradition on the altar – the figure of Stefan and Casimir Jagiellonian. Besides this there are also figures of St. Helen and St. Dorothy. There is a Mother of God with child and Father God at the top of the high altar. There are apostles St. Peter and St. Paul over the entrance to it.

The side altars are in baroque style as well. The effigies such as: the painting of the Miraculous Jesus Christ of Mogila from 1972 by Jan Siekierski from Cracow and the effigy of Mother of God Immaculately Conceived are placed there. The third side altar funded to commemorate the second patron of St. Anthony from Padua parish. The altars were renovated in 1973. Below the choir and organ gallery in a little altar one can see the paintings showing God’s Mercy, St. Faustyna Kowalska and Blessed John Paul II.

There is also a part of triptych from XVI century with the figure of St. Elizabeth of Hungary under the organ gallery. The painting was transferred from the old church to the new one. The back of the pulpit from 1787, presenting the Transfiguration, comes from the old church as well





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